Of a Bridge, a Mushroom House & a Pig
Oh, the fantastic things you'll see while Hiking America! From much-needed trail improvements to quirky places, you have to see to believe. Plus, the ADT Society President testifies before Congress!

ADT Guide Updates - Week Ending April 30, 2022
- Missouri - Segment 4: KATY Trail - Boonville to Jefferson City
The Salt Creek Bridge (above) between Franklin and Rocheport, which washed away during the floods of 2019, has been replaced and reopened this month. As a result, we've removed the detour from Gaia GPS and maps.
- West Virginia - Segment 1: Belpre, OH (Ohio State Line) to Clarksburg
North Bend Rail Trail - New dispersed camping location in Salem, WV - Hat Tip Chef Ray'22 - West Virginia - Segment 2: Clarksburg to Philippi - New dispersed camping location in Despard, WV - Hat Tip Chef Ray'22
- Indiana South - Segment 9: Clifty Falls State Park to Elizabethtown - Dearborn Trail Picnic Shelter with restrooms. Dispersed camping along the shoreline southeast of the shelter on land owned by the American Legion Post in Lawrenceburg. The Legion also offered a grassy area behind the Legion building in town. Rocky'22 chose the riverside location but said it was noisy until the middle of the night due to barge traffic on the river. Hat Tip Rocky'22
Side Trips

- Ohio Segment 1: Elizabethtown to Cincinnati - Added location for "Lucius (Lucky) Quinctus Pigasus." The fiberglass sculpture depicts a winged pig standing on its hind legs. It is dressed in the helmet and clothing of a Roman soldier, an homage to Cincinnatus, after whom the city of Cincinnati is named. Hat Tip -Rocky'22

- Ohio Segment 2: Cincinnati to Mt Orab - Added location for The Mushroom House - Built between 1992 and 2006 by architecture professor Terry Brown one-bedroom bungalow that resembles a fairytale creation. It resembles a giant fungus made of warped shingles wrapped in unusual staircases. Brown passed away, and the house has new owners. Hat Tip -Rocky'22
The ADT in the News...
American Discovery Trail Society President Eric Seaborg provided testimony in a Congressional Subcommittee hearing on H.R. 4878, The National Discovery Trails Act.
Katy Trail ranked No. 2 recreational trail in the country by USA Today
Missouri’s Katy Trail ranked #2 in USA Today’s 10Best recreational trails contest.

For 1st time in a decade, C&O Canal boat tours return to Georgetown | WTOP News
The nonprofit Georgetown Heritage, in partnership with the C&O Canal National Historical Park in Georgetown, is welcoming a new canal boat, “The Georgetown Heritage,” with a ribbon-cutting, christening and celebration next Thursday.

Gov. Justice celebrates completion of $5.7 million in upgrades at North Bend State Park
Office of the Governor - Jim Justice

Hike Your Hike - John.