A Weekend of Wonders - Snow in May and Trail Updates Galore
Explore the unexpected May snowfall at Palisades Tahoe and the latest trail updates across the American Discovery Trail. From fresh snow depths to essential trail tips, discover how these changes affect your hiking plans and enhance your ADT experience.

Unseasonal Snowstorm Hits Palisades Tahoe
This past weekend, Palisades Tahoe on the American Discovery Trail witnessed an extraordinary meteorological event—an unexpected and historic snowfall in May. On the morning of May 5th, a staggering 26 inches of fresh snow, falling in a 24-hour period, blanketed the upper mountain, transforming the landscape into a winter wonderland typically seen in the deep midwinter months.

During high snow years, like this year, these record snowfall amounts push back the Eastbound start date into probably late June or July.
It's happened before – four times in the last 15 years. 👇

Three Snow Stations are along the Tahoe Rim Trail/American Discovery Trail to aid your planning. To the west is the Palisades Tahoe Station. In the center is Tahoe City Cross Station above Tahoe City. And east of Lake Tahoe is the Mount Rose Ski Area Station.
On an average year, planning for a Palisades crossing by Memorial Day usually sets you up for success - but not likely this year.
Nevada ☀️
And this year, if you could get over the Sierras, Nevada would still have its challenges.

Mike "I Like Mike" Crowley is currently Eastbound on the ADT in the Arch Dome Wilderness and is finding river crossings challenging this week - to say the least!😳 The photo above shows one of over a dozen South Twin River crossings on the way up to the Dome.
Later in the season, these will become much more gentle.
With a high snow total, ✨ there are better chances of a wet desert crossing, with springs more likely to flow into late summer.
In the last week, Mike has shared more than 30 waypoint additions and updates from his Nevada trek, which are now included in Hiking America Hiker Notes on Gaia GPS and our Turn-By-Turn guides — new camping locations, water sources, and even detailed instructions on how to fill one cattle trough if you find it empty!

Trail Updates Across the American Discovery Trail
While the snow at Palisades captured headlines, dozens of other important Hiking America updates along the American Discovery Trail deserve the spotlight. The current Class of 2024 ADT Hikers are incredibly prolific with their observations and updates.

Matthew "First Church of The Masochist Hikes" Hengst's almost daily YouTube vlogs are must-sees for his experience and photography. Matt began the Buckeye Trail portion of the ADT this week.
Marshall "California Chrome" Travis, pushing through Illinois on the Northern ADT route, also offers a near-daily diary of his travels.
In the last two weeks, 56 new Hiking America waypoints for services, campsites, and alerts have been added to our Gaia GPS folder and the PDF Turn-By-Turn directions. So, if you haven't refreshed recently, now would be a good time!
- In the Northern Section, we've added amenities, including a Walmart Superstore for resupply, an inexpensive hotel option in Oxford, updates to Hueston Wood State Park Campground. In the Eastern Section, stealth camping additions, Trail Angel updates, and even updated dog reports! 🐶 (Good news, most of them are now behind a fence!)
- In the northern sections, updated services at the Cardinal Greenway Trailheads in places like Webster and Williamsburg enhance accessibility. We've added stealth campsites and a successful resupply drop at Losantville Post Office to highlight local support for hikers. Adding a new Family Dollar store in Losantville further eases the resupply process.
- Comprehensive Hiker Notes cover all towns along this segment, and nearly half a dozen Amazon Lockers have been added to facilitate resupply efforts.
- Adjustments include a corrected mileage marker on a turn to the breathtaking Dolly Sods and a new successful stealth campsite in the Monongahela National Forest.
In Maryland, Zach Foor provides detailed updates on services in Williamsport.
Whether it's the unexpected snowfall at Palisades Tahoe or the numerous Hiking America updates across the American Discovery Trail, these last couple of weeks have reminded us of the ever-changing and dynamic nature of our environments—both natural and man-made.
These updates not only inform but also enhance the hiking experience, allowing you to plan effectively and enjoy the myriad landscapes the ADT offers.
Hike Your Hike - John.